Joy of Christ community ministry a non-profit making Christian charity and registered N.G.O. (non-governmental organization). It was established in 2015 by Pastor Elijah Bawuye for the purpose of helping disadvantaged children who are in desperate need of help and support.
Pastor Elijah was born in a polygynous family where his father married over 10 wives and gave birth to many of them, we grew up in deep poverty, lack of food, clothing and there was no opportunity to go to school to some children. The way I grew up raised a heart for poor children with in and felt inspired to become a voice for the voiceless and so the vision of helping children came up.
We aim at creating an equal world to disadvantaged children for a fair competition in the world.
To offer a brighter future to the orphans and disadvantaged children and send them outside the world as lights to the darkened world.
All our community projects aim to fulfill the following objectives:
We enable the orphans and disadvantaged children to have basic needs and stay in school with the goal that each child can attain a qualification or secure employment, and becoming a positive influence in the Ugandan Society.
We facilitate structured & tailored short-term overseas volunteer placements for Second and Third Level Students & Professionals who are willing to offer their invaluable time, skills and energy in order to assist our work.